
what is High-Level Language?

Examples of what is High-Level Language

In the post, we will know in detail, what is a high-level programming language.

As we know, programming languages are used to provide instructions to the computer. With the help of these instructions, you can control a computer or machine or get them to perform a particular task.

Nowadays many types of programming languages available.  Although these languages have their own characteristics, and each language has its own advantages and disadvantages. High-level programming language is the most important type among these, and further you will learn about this in detail.

What is High-Level Language?

High level language is a programming language in which computer programs can be written very easily. It is a type of language which has a fixed syntax.

Along with this, High-level language can be easily read and understood by any human being. Different types of high-level languages use different types of syntax.

Compiler is used to run programs written in high-level language, which converts these high-level language codes into low-level programming language and machine-level language, and then the CPU can easily process them. can execute.

Some scripting languages such as PHP and Perl require an interpreter to run, which converts these high-level language codes into low-level language.

This computer language was first used in the 1950s, since then the use of high-level language has spread widely all over the world.

Today High-level languages are being used in many technologies, such as Web Development, App Development, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc.

High-Level Language Examples - 

In today's world, various high-level languages have been created, which use different types of Syntax for themselves. Along with this, each high-level language is also used for different types of work.

Examples of some famous high-level languages are C, C++, C#, JAVA, Python, COBOL, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, Ruby, BASIC, etc. Today we will know about some of these in some detail.

  • Python: It is an interpreted and high-level programming language and very important language on global level. Along with this, it also comes under the category of object-oriented programming. Python is considered the most popular programming language in today's world. The main reason for this is also that Python is being widely used in all the new technologies these days such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Web Development, etc. Different types of libraries are used in Python, which makes the work of programmers easier.
  • Java: Like Python, JAVA is also a very popular high-level programming language. JAVA was created in the year 1995 by Sun-Micro System. JAVA is also a type of object-oriented programming. In general, JAVA is also called General Purpose Language because it is commonly used to create software and applications. One special thing about JAVA is that it is a platform independent language. This means that you can run the code written in JAVA in the devices of any other operating system as well.
  • JavaScript: Even though the name seems similar to JAVA, but we want to tell you that in reality these two languages are quite different from each other, JavaScript is a type of Scripting Language which is used in web browser for HTML and CSS. is done with JavaScript is also used to add a variety of functionalities to a website. There are also some major frameworks of JavaScript like Node Js, Vue Js, React Js, Angular Js etc.
  • C#: It is also commonly called C Sharp. C# was created by Microsoft in the year 2002. C# was first launched with the Microsoft .NET Framework. C# is also a kind of high-level programming language. Syntax of C# is very similar to C, but C# also comes under the category of an object-oriented language. 
  • C ++: This is such a programming which is an updated version of C language itself. However, along with having many features of C, it also has support for Object oriented programming which makes it quite different from C. You will be surprised to know that C ++ is used as a high-level language as well as a low-level programming language. It is also widely used to create various types of software and games.
  • Visual Basic: This is also a high-level language created by Microsoft Corporation. It is an upgrade version of BASIC language itself. Apart from having many features of BASIC, it also supports Object oriented programming. It is mainly used in making GUI applications and software.
  • PHP: Its full-form is Hypertext Processor. It is also mainly used in Web Development. PHP is also a type of scripting language used in web servers. PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in the year 1994. Since then many improvements have been made in it. The output of PHP is displayed as an HTML page in a web browser.
  • Ruby: It is a type of object oriented, high-level language. Ruby was manufactured in 1990 in Japan. The specialty of Ruby is that it is a language that can be used as an object oriented as well as a scripting language.
  • Perl: This is also a programming language which was originally created to manipulate scripts. Nowadays Perl is mainly used in Web Development, GUI applications etc. Perl is also called a cross platform programming language. An interpreter is required to run the code written in Perl. Programs written in the Perl programming language are commonly called Perl scripts.
  • COBOL: Its full form is Common Business Oriented Language. COBOL was created in the year 1959 by CODASYL. As the name of COBOL suggests, it was originally created to solve business-based problems. It is generally used only for creating application software for businesses.
  • PASCAL: It was created in Switzerland in the year 1971 by Professor Nicklaus Writh. Pascal was named after Blaise Pascal, who is also known as the father of the computer world. PASCAL is such a high-level programming language that is also used to explain the basic concepts of programming to new trainees, hence it is also an educational language.

Features of high-level programming language

High-level language is a much easier and understandable programming language for humans than low-level language. Writing programs in these computer languages is also very easy for programmers.

Programs written in High Level Language are also very easy to read and understand. Even in modern technology, these computer languages are being used on a very wide scale.

App Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and many other areas are where high-level programming is being used on a large scale.

Advantages and Disadvantages of High-Level Languages


High-level language programs use letters, symbols and numbers of the English language, due to which they are very easy to read and understand.

Programs written in this programming language do not depend on any specific machine, so the code written in high-level language on one machine can be easily executed on another machine.

With the help of High-Level Language, better GUI applications can be made than Low Level Language.


The code written in this programming language is first converted into low-level language by Compiler or Interpreter, only after that the program can be executed. Due to this process, a lot of time is wasted in program execution.

The code written in it requires more memory space to be executed.

Programs written in this language cannot interact directly with computer hardware, so we cannot create software like operating system and device driver with its help.


In this article, we have tried to give you complete information about High-level language. After reading this article, you must have come to know that what is high level programming language.

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